This is a list of publications emerging from the Songwriting Camps in the 21st Century project:
Ahlers, M. & Herbst, J.-P. (2024). Songwriting Camps: Geschichte, Theorien und Forschungsansätze zur Fließband-Produktion von populärer Musik. In: von Appen, Ralf; Chaker, Sarah; Huber, Michael & Prieske, Sean (Eds.): Parallelgesellschaften in Populärer Musik: Abgrenzungen, Annäherungen, Perspektiven. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 315-342.
Herbst, J. P., Williams, K., Tolstad, I. M., & Barber, S. (2024). The Benefits of Collaborative Popular Music Songwriting: A Spectrum of Artist-Songwriter Involvement. Popular Music and Society, 48(1), 1–24.
Herbst, J. P., Ahlers, M., & Barber, S. (2024). ‘The song factories have closed!’: songwriting camps as spaces of collaborative creativity in the post-industrial age. Creative Industries Journal, 1–22.
Wernicke, C. & Ahlers, M. (2025). Negotiating Standards and Myths in Songwriting in the Age of Platformization. Sessions, Camps, and their functional rules and (media) formats. Popular Music (forthcoming).
Wernicke, C., Zaddach, W.-G., Ahlers, M. & Herbst, J.-P. (2025). Songwriting-Camps: Kollaborative Songwriting-Praxis zwischen Songwriting-Tradition und musikindustrieller Transformation. In: Pfleiderer, Martin; Jost, Christofer; Just, Steffen & Wernicke, Carsten (Eds.). Musik in der spätmodernen Gesellschaft. Analysen, Positionen, Perspektiven. Muenster: Waxmann, pp. 191–212.
Zaddach, Wolf-Georg (2025). Artificial Intelligence and the Creative Practice of Professional Songwriting. In M. Ahlers, J.-P. Herbst & K. Holtsträter (eds). Popular Music Songwriting as Cultural, Creative and Economic Practice. Münster: Waxmann.